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Few people know that London’s great city was founded by the Roman Empire way back in 43 AD.

The Roman emperor Claudius led an army of 40, 000 men across the English Channel and invaded Britain. After defeating the local Celtic tribes, he established a new capital at Colchester and began building roads and walls. London soon became an important trading center and was even made the capital of the province of Britannia.

Today, you can still see evidence of the Roman occupation all over London. The remains of the Roman wall can be seen in many places, and there is even a section of it on display at the British Museum. If you look closely, you can also see Roman bricks used in some of the buildings in the City of London. So next time you’re in London, take a moment to think about its fascinating history!

The Romans built a network of roads and walls around Londinium.

What an interesting fact about the history of London! The city as we know it today would not exist without the Roman empire. It is amazing to think about all the ways that the Roman empire has shaped our world.

The Romans were very good at engineering and construction. The roads were used for trade and transportation, and the walls protected the city from invaders.

The Romans also brought their culture and way of life to London. They introduced new foods, art, and architecture. The city became a melting pot of cultures, and this is still evident today.

If you are interested in learning more about the history of London, there are many great resources available. You can visit the British Museum or take a walking tour of the city. There is also a lot of information available online.

The Roman Empire may have fallen, but its legacy can still be seen in the city of London.

London remained an important city even after the empire fell, and its Roman legacy can still be seen in many of its buildings and streets.

For example, the city’s financial district is known as the “Square Mile,” because it is roughly the same size as the ancient Roman city of Londinium. The Romans built London’s first walls around this area, and many of the streets in this part of the city still follow the same layout as they did two thousand years ago.

If you look closely, you can also see Roman influences in some of London’s most famous landmarks. The Houses of Parliament, for instance, is built on the site of a Roman temple, and Westminster Abbey was once a monastery built by Benedictine monks who came to England from Rome.

Even if you’re not looking for it, you’re likely to come across evidence of London’s Roman past. So next time you’re walking through the city, take a moment to think about its long and fascinating history.